WRITE Foundation (Writers Readers Illustrators Translators and Educators Foundation), an affiliated Chapter of the Foundation of SAARC Writers and Literature (FOSWAL) in Bangladesh. SAARC Literary Festival Dhaka 2014 on 27th & 28th of February 2014 at the National Museum, Dhaka.

The theme of the festival is something that is possibly closest to all our hearts: BEYOND BORDERS: TOWARDS TRUST AND RECONCILIATION. A prominent aspect of this theme is the importance of the Language Movement of 1952 in Bangladesh in the subsequent geopolitical structuring of the subcontinent. We chose February, to be the month to host the festival, as February is when we all come together to honor our martyrs who gave their lives up for our language: Bangla.

A quest for common ground, spanning eight South-Asian nations, with some of the region’s greatest literary minds. Towards a Present, conjured from the triumphs, tragedies and trivia of the Past; a balancing of what was lost in the fire and what, gained in an embrace. A modern voice of Unity, devised from antiquated divisions.

In 2014, the journey continues in Bangladesh.

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The Daily Star