I am happy to know that WRITE Foundation is going to organize 2014 “SAARC Literary Festival” on 27 February 2014 in Dhaka. On this occasion, I congratulate the distinguished participants of the SAARC countries.
There is a common socio-cultural bondage in South Asia. The bond embraces our philosophy, culture and literature. Our roots speak of amity and collaboration. Therefore any sincere effort that attempts to bring the great minds of the region together is commendable.
The scholars from all over South Asia are converging on Dhaka in February, the month that upholds the spirit of our language martyrs who lay their lives down for the love of our mother language, Bangla. The festival, I hope, will convey this emotion to our friends from all over with a spirit of achieving peace and development in South Asia.
I wish the SAARC Literacy Festival, 2014 a grand success.
Joi Bangla, Joi Bangabandhu
May Bangladesh Live Forever
Sheikh Hasina


Asaduzzaman Noor, MP
Cultural Affairs Minister
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
We have been building bridges of cultural connectivity with all the countries of the SAARC region since 1987, we traced the centuries-old civilisational and cultural links even beyond SAARC region, extending to Afghanistan and Burma, and expanded our vision and thrust with total passion, determination and commitment, from 1999 onwards, when we started organizing and putting in place our National Chapters in all SAARC countries.
This is the second SAARC LITERARY FESTIVAL in Dhaka. The first one was held in March 2001, organized by FOSWAL’s Parent Organisation: Academy of Fine Arts and Literature, for which Prof. Anisuzzaman and my friends Mofidul Hoque, Ramendu Majumdar and Rashid Bhai helped us in organizing hospitality. It was in that SAARC LITERARY FESTIVAL that we launched our tradition of honouring writers with SAARC LITERARY AWARDS. The First SAARC Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to the great poet Shamsur Rahman.
The Second SAARC LITERARY FESTIVAL is being organized exclusively by the WRITE Foundation, with Rubana Huq, extending her passionate dedication to the ‘Cause’. Rubana Huq is a poet and an honoured member of the SAARC Family, honoured with the SAARC Literary Award for her poetry.
All of us share a dream that one day the borders will be opened, and people of the SAARC region will live like an extended family. We hope this dream of ‘Trust and Reconciliation Beyond Borders’ will come true during our lifetime. With our endeavours like this present Conference, we will be able to heal history.
Ajeet Cour
WRITE Foundation has organized the SAARC Literary Festival with the hope of promoting cultural and literary exchange in the region. It aims to bridge differences through literary celebrations such as this and it also desires to stretch its reach beyond national borders.
The first and foremost purpose of the Foundation is to attempt enlarging the literary horizon of South Asia. Meaningful interaction can only take place if original texts are aptly transferred to target texts through close exchanges leading to apt translations.
We hope that this festival will weave a tighter bond of cultural and literary amity in the region and will foster harmony and trust beyond borders.
Selina Hossain
WRITE Foundation
SAARC Literary Festival Dhaka 2014 is to celebrate the journey of one Southasian towards another. Southasia should never be hyphenated. It is one word that stands for the oneness of a particular region that sings of commonalities and unison.
A Southasian must evolve from self-hood to nationhood and then eventually cross borders and touch lives of those living beyond borders with authenticity. The Universal Man of Tagore upholds the essence of one man as the essence of all men. This man stands above differences and mistrust. This man serves the others with faith and conviction.
Let this man be truly Southasian.
Let this literary border be truly Southasia.
Vive, Southasia!
Rubana Huq
Secretary General
WRITE Foundation